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2013-2014 SeasonAnimal Farm (Lee Baker)Performed in the Gaddy Goodwin Teaching Theatre, July 19-28, 2013. Photos by Lee Baker Animal Farm (David Watts)Performed in the Gaddy Goodwin Teaching Theatre, July 19-28, 2013. Photos by David Watts Junie B. in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells!Performed in the Gaddy Goodwin Teaching Theatre, November 1-23. Photo by David Watts Cinderella 30Performed in the Cantey V. Sutton Theatre, December 6 - 21, 2013. Photos by Brenna L. J. Berry
Caroline, or ChangePerformed in the Cantey V. Sutton Theatre, February 14 - March 2, 2014. Photos by Carrie Santiago OPQRS, EtcPerformed in the Gaddy-Goodwin Teaching Theatre, March 14 - 30, 2014. Photos by David Watts |