The Brementown Musicians
The Brementown Musicians
Based on the story by The Grimm Brothers
By Allison Gregory
Music by Hummie Mann
May 3 - 19, 2013
Gaddy-Goodwin Teaching Theatre
Musical. When the farmer and his wife decide that their donkey, Donny, is past his usefulness, Donny makes a decision to follow his dream of becoming a famous musician one day. During his journey to Brementown, the music Mecca, Donny meets many interesting characters - some who help him along his way, others who challenge his goal. When he finally gets to Brementown, Donny realizes something is wrong and he must battle to bring sweet music back to the famous town.
- Donny: Parker Perry
- Minnie: Julia Ryan
- Nell: Sarah Winter
- Rusty: Graham Gall
- Slim and Fritz: Hannah Hoskins
- Virgil and Karl: Brent Wilson
- Billy: Connor Gerney
- Irene, Mrs. Sphinktur and Songbird: Heather Shinpaugh
Production team
- Director: Kathleen Rudolph
- Music Director: Mary Kathryn Walston
- Choreographer: Carrie Santiago
- Fight Choreographer: David McClutchey
- Scenic & Lighting Designer: Thomas Mauney
- Costume Designer: Jenny Mitchell
- Animal Head Designers: Vicki Olson, Ann Boivin
- Technical Director: Todd Aberts
- Sound & Video Designer: John Maruca
- Sound & Video Engineer: Kinsey Watson
- Production Assistant: Jonathan Beyer
- Production Stage Manager: Scott Wray
- Rehearsal Stage Manager: Gerrie Kouri
- Assistant Stage Manager: David Watts
- ASM Assistant: Zoe Watts